Riverside, California established an urban farmer training and incubation program, expand capacity and distribution of a food hub, and develop an affordable housing “agrihood” that provides onsite edible landscaping and a community garden. The also expanded their focus throughout the initiative to address housing affordability and homelessness by building a pipeline of tiny homes projects. They are a part of Invest Health Field Building.
During their Invest Health Field Building year, Riverside seeks to create systems change within their community investment system by adopting a zoning code ordinance that defines and facilitates the construction of tiny homes as an affordable housing model that can be utilized for both permanent supportive housing for at-risk and formerly homeless populations as well as for market rate projects that would cost less than traditional single-family home development. They seek to simultaneously build their pipeline of projects with these types of tiny homes to streamline their equitable development.
If you would like to get in touch with anyone from their city team, please email us.