Spokane, Washington developed shelter and supportive housing developments for youth and young adults experiencing homelessness or exiting institutions like foster care and expanded service availability for this population to increase likelihood of stability and independence. They also worked to acquire land for affordable housing around a newly-built transit corridor to prevent gentrification and displacement, and preserve affordability. They are a part of Invest Health Field Building.
During their Invest Health Field Building year, Spokane seeks to progress their pipeline of projects, securing the development or financing, and/or predevelopment, of built environment projects, including affordable housing, food services, and educational space. They also strive to put into motion three institutionalized strategies that will strengthen the Spokane community beyond these initiatives – Land Bank, Community NIMBY messaging, Transit Authority advocacy – which will help to positively impact the community investment system.
If you would like to get in touch with anyone from their city team, please email us.